This name refers to the ancient city of Alexandria, so this variety may have its origins in ancient Egypt. It’s an Italian wine as well: Moscato d’Asti, for example. Moscato is grown in abundance in southern France dry styles are made in Alsace and also, still, in Greece. But if we talk about the Moscatel grape, the best known variety is the Muscat of Alexandria. Muscat from Chipiona does not undergo any fermentation process, so the resulting broth cannot be considered as wine, while those from Malaga do undergo this process and some of the resulting wines are protected under the D.O Sierras de Malaga. In Spain, for example, we can differentiate between the Muscatel from Chipiona or the one from Malaga, which are the best known, although they are also grown in Valencia, for example. Within the Moscatel grape there are different varieties depending on their characteristics and the place where they are grown.
This variety reportedly has pronounced antioxidant properties, both in the skin, as well as the seed or the pulp, so it can protect the skin from harmful cells.

The Moscato vines are normally grown in warm, sunny locations.Īs already mentioned, this grape is one of the oldest in the world some reports say that this variety was cultivated in ancient Egypt and Persia, although its moment of greatest popularity was during the Classical Greece and the Roman Empire periods. The harvest is usually carried out in mid-August while that of other grapes is usually carried out in September, and even October. The harvest of this grape is occurs early in the Mediterranean (and California), since continuous exposure to the sun makes it ripen earlier.

In Spain, tradition dictates that all of them will be fortified wines. Depending on the fermentation process to which it is subjected, dry wines or sweet wines can be obtained. The ancient Greeks called it anathelicon moschaton and Pliny the Elder named it uva apiana, grape of the bees! The Moscato Grape All have very high concentrations of monoterpenes, which results in the pronounced fragrance. There’s Muscat of Hamburg, of Alexandria, Blanc a Petits Grains, Ottonel, as well as Moscatels. The Oxford Companion to Wine tells us that it is “one of the world’s great and historic names, of both grapes and wines.” Wineries will not always tell you which specific variety or subvariety (or varieties) were used in winemaking. Grape colors range from white to yellow, and pink to almost black. It’s a true European wine grape, a member of the Vitis vinifera species. This family of grapes includes over 200 varieties. It’s Also called Muscat, muscatel, muscadel, or muscadelle.Ī lot of inexpensive (but refreshing) wines are made from Moscato, but it has a very noble history and can produce exceptional wines, especially if you like sweeter wines. “ Moscato” is the name in Italian and Spanish. Like other aromatic varieties, the distinctive grape flavor is actually preserved in winemaking. The Moscato grape is famous for its sweet taste and fragrance. Moscato wines are those that have been made using one of the usually highly aromatic Moscato grape varieties.